Create or Edit Labels

Availability policies allow Device Catalog administrators to quickly and easily configure policies for availability of catalog items.

Note: The following procedure is for Premium Mobile administrators.

To create or edit labels, perform the following steps:

1. From the Procure tab in your Tool Bar, click Settings.

2. In the Policies screen, click the Availability link.

3. In the Policies screen, click the Create or Edit Labels link.

4. In the Create or Edit Labels window, you may choose the following options:

To review your existing labels, select a Status from the drop-down list and use the Search tool.

To deactivate (make it unavailable) an existing label, click the Deactivate link for the label and when prompted, confirm by clicking the OK button.

To edit an existing label, click the Edit link for the label, make your changes, and click the Save button.

To create a new label, scroll to the bottom of the page, enter a unique label name, and click the Create button.


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